UVU Performing Arts Scholarship Auditions and Concert

OxPro P.A. (Performing Arts)



Hello Applicants! Below you will find information on how to audition for the U.V.C.A. Scholarship and Concert, and the qualifications to do so.

  • Details of the two $650 U.V.C.A. Scholarships (Vocalist and Instrumentalist separately):
    • The Applicant must be officially declared in a major pursuing a Music Related Degree; i.e. the Music Department Majors, and the BFA of Musical Theatre.
    • The Applicant’s Cumulative GPA must be at least a 3.0 or better.
    • The Applicant will perform in a concert where a Judge Panel and an Audience Vote will select the winner of the scholarship.
  • Details of the $250 Networking Excellence Scholarship:
    • Networking is an important part of building a career in Music. This scholarship is designed around that aspect of the Music World.
    • This Scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who has brought the most people to the concert. (Further details will be discussed post audition.)
  • In regards to the audition process:
    • Auditions will be held January 29th-30th from 2 p.m. and will take place behind Centre stage. NO WALK-INS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please show up 10 minutes early, or fill out audition form in advance.
    • Applicants who are vocalists will be expected to come prepared with a verse and a chorus to a song that is no more than 3 and a half minutes long. Some exceptions can be made.
      • Classical vocalists, please prepare 30 seconds to one minute of a piece.
    • Applicants who are instrumentalists will come prepared with a maximum of 32 bars of the song they will perform; also being no more than 3.5 minutes long. Some exceptions can me made.
    • Applicants must also audition with the instrument they are majoring in. A few examples are:
  • Piano Majors will not be permitted to perform as Singers.
    • Contemporary Singers may not perform a Classical piece.
    • Musical Theatre Majors must perform a song from a Musical.
    • Etc.
    • Bring a track or sheet music if the Applicant is a vocalist. A competent accompanist will be provided if using sheet music.
    • Foul Language of any kind will not be permitted in the Applicant’s Music.
  • Final points
    • Extra consideration will be awarded for using original material; however, writing a song last minute will not be better than a good performance with someone else’s song.
    • Try to come dressed in what you would like to perform in. Adjustments will be addressed if needed. This is not a requirement, but it helps solidify your genre.
    • You will be permitted to instruct how your lighting is done for your performance.
    • Applicants are encouraged to use the more difficult parts of their song to display their full talent accurately.
    • 5 Vocalists and 5 Instrumentalists will be selected.

            Any other questions can be answered by email at:

Email: Ptanner@ochsenhirtproductions.com

Phone: (801)616-7277

Good Luck, and Warm Regards,

Preston Ochsenhirt, Founder of OxPro P.A.

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